Schieblock Roof Café: Every Wednesday!

November 3rd, in the morning, the sections of the Luchtsingel above the railway will be assembled. Before these sections will be place there is an opportunity to see them up close and walk on them. Everyone who is interested is welcome on Saturday November 2nd between 16.00 and 17.00 at the Couwenburg behind the Hofpoort tower,
The following morning between 01.00 and 06.00 these sections will be lifted in place. The same spot on the Couwenburg is a good place to watch the nightly construction works.
The crowdfunders whose planks are placed on the section have been personally informed by email. They are given the chance to have their photograph taken with their plank by our photographer. The remaining planks will be placed from next year on. We will keep informing the sponsors.